21 February 2023
China Daily| Wei Luo appears on Xi’an symphony new season
According to China Daily, the historic and culturally significant city, Xi'an announced its symphony orchestra music season for 2023, including "Wei Luo performs Tchaikovsky on Sep 2nd ".

16 February 2023
Wei Luo dive deep in talk | Billings, Montana TV Station
About her poetry, her enthusiasm for music and art, and her experiences at Curtis since age 13 and life being musician during COVID.

5 February 2023
Wei Luo performed at Orlando Philharmonic Gala with Music director Eric Jacobsen
Wei Luo excited the Gala crowd by performing "Rhapsody in Blue" with Music Director Eric Jacobsen and Orlando Philharmonic.

17 September 2022
Beijing Daily| Wei Luo performs Beethoven with Jia Lv & China National Symphony
Wei Luo dazzled audiences in Beijing with a poetic performance of Beethoven 4th concerto under the baton of Maestro Jia Lv.

9 August 2022
Wei Luo in Beijing |National Center for the Performing Arts sold-out concert
Last Friday, pianist Wei Luo made her NCPAO debut in a sold-out concert. Beijing, China.

10 February 2022
World renowned pianist Wei Luo draws inspiration from Sergei Prokofiev
“I think my biggest passion in life is the arts,” said Luo. “Obviously, I am a pianist, so I want to express and I want to connect with people with my music, with the performances that I do. Making that connection with people and to love each other, I think that’s the most important thing in my life.”