
"Luo seems destined for stardom. With a minimum of fuss but a huge dose of flabbergasting technique, she ripped through Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3 in C major with ease and authority." - -San Diego Union Tribune
“And judging by a very exciting finale of Prokofiev's Seventh Piano Sonata, Wei Luo might very well be admitted to that select company (Danill Trifonov and Igor Levit) very soon.” ——
“The young artist is carving out her own space among her Curtis predecessors with deep sonorities, fiery intensity and unfiltered rawness. Luo’s strong connection to the Russian compositions was plain throughout the concert.”
—- REVUE magazine
Wei Luo
Wei Luo is recognized as one of the most significant pianists of her generation. Already in her young career she has performed on many of the world’s leading stages. In 2019 her self-titled debut album was released on Universal Music Group’s Decca Gold label. The album was featured by Gramophone Magazine as one of the most exciting new releases. San Diego Union Tribune said: “This recording reveals a dazzling artist with an astonishing range of colors at her disposal, put to the service of a confident young soul whose musicality suggests the experience of someone two decades older."
This past year Wei gave a 13-concert recital tour throughout China’s major cities and venues including Shanghai Concert Hall, Beijing National Center of Performing Art, Guangzhou Opera House, Harbin, Chongqing and Guiyang, among others. She also performed with leading orchestras including Shanghai Symphony Orchestra (Beethoven Concerto No. 4), Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra (Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 2) and the National Center of Performing Arts Orchestra (Prokofiev Concerto No. 3). For World Sleep Day 2021, Wei participated in a campaign by Universal Music Group, along with 18 other UMG musicians worldwide, in which she recorded “Nocturne” by Grammy award winning composer Christopher Tin.
Prior to the pandemic, Wei made her debut with the San Diego Symphony, Jahja Ling conducting. In recent seasons, she performed Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 with the Quad City Symphony, Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 3 with the Kansas City Symphony and Michael Stern, and Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto in G minor with the Denver Philharmonic.
In 2018 Wei received the Gilmore Young Artist Award. She is also a recipient of the “Salon de Virtuosi” Career Grant in New York. The Philadelphia Inquirer described her performance, saying: “Equally intriguing were those odd moments when she took you so far inside the music that your ears left behind previous points of reference, partly because she immerses herself in the music with an intensity that borders on madness.” She made her orchestra debut at age 11 with the Shanghai Philharmonic where, along with artistic director Muhai Tang, they opened the 2011 season performing Prokofiev Concerto No. 3 at the Shanghai Oriental Art Center.
Wei has performed solo recitals in major cities and music festivals, including Lucerne Switzerland, New York City (Mostly Mozart Festival and the NY International Keyboard Festival), San Francisco Herbst Theater, Napa Valley Music Festival, Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival and Gilmore Keyboard Festival.
Wei is an avid performer of contemporary music. The Poems, a set of short pieces that Wei commissioned, written by Marc Neikrug, was premiered in summer 2019. Wei has always enjoyed performing in unconventional venues and doing both outreach and charity concerts.
Born in Shenzhen, China, Wei showed great interest in music and began piano lessons at age five. She gave her debut recital in Hong Kong at age six. Winner of numerous competitions in China, Wei also claimed first prize in the 11th Chopin International Competition for Young Pianists in Poland and the 2nd Rachmaninov International Piano Competition for Young Pianists in Frankfurt, both in 2010. In 2012, at age thirteen, Wei was accepted to the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia where she studies with Gary Graffman and Robert McDonald. Wei is pursuing her bachelor’s degree at Curtis.
罗维注定会成为明星。她的演奏没有丝毫矫揉造作,却有着令人目瞪口呆的对钢琴的掌控能力,她电光石火般地把普罗科菲耶夫第三钢琴协奏曲演奏得信手拈来和具有权威性。” ——美国圣地亚哥联合论坛报
青年钢琴家罗维作为柯蒂斯音乐学院加里.葛拉夫曼教授的得意门生之一,被美国最重要的古典音乐电台WQXR评为2019年最值得关注的19位艺术家。经格莱美获奖制片人Erica Brenner监制,她于去年发行了由环球唱片公司录制的首张同名个人专辑。一经发行,英国《留声机》杂志网站推荐其值得关注的专辑,一周内登上苹果音乐和亚马逊音乐的古典音乐排行榜新曲榜首。
“罗维在不久的将来有望加入当代令人瞩目的钢琴家Danill Trifonov 和 Igor Levit之行列,她的专辑单曲《普罗科菲耶夫第七钢琴奏鸣曲第三乐章》令人热血沸腾。” ——英国“留声机”杂志网站
“她的首张专辑向我们展示了一位耀眼的艺术家,她那音乐色彩如调色板丰富的演奏,以及一个自信年轻的灵魂—有趣的是她的音乐比她的年龄成熟至少20岁。” —美国圣地亚哥联合论坛报
罗维17岁时被评为"吉莫尔杰出青年艺术家",16岁获美国纽约“Salon de Virtuosi” 最具潜力艺术家奖。《费城问询报》评论她的演奏:"同样令人着迷的还有那些她将你深深引入音乐的时刻,越向深处越发现之前所带给你的那些全身心投入所产生的紧张度会依然回荡在你脑海里并继续耐人寻味,若有所思。她是如此沉浸于她的音乐,醉心程度强烈得几乎到了疯狂的边缘."
罗维出生中国深圳,自5岁习琴,6岁半在香港举办独奏音乐会,9岁考入深圳艺校,10岁以专业第一名的成绩考入上海音乐学院附小(师从唐哲教授)并两年后以第一名的成绩保送附中,11岁时获波兰肖邦第十一届青少年国际钢琴比赛第一名,在一个月内,又获得第二届德国拉赫玛尼诺夫青少年国际钢琴比赛第一名。上海《文汇报》称其为"在一个月之内,获得两项不同主题国际钢琴比赛的双料冠军",同年获上海市政府颁发"杰出优秀人才"奖。11岁时与上海爱乐乐团艺术总监汤沐海在上海东方艺术中心合作演出“普罗科菲耶夫第三钢琴协奏曲",为上海爱乐乐团的欧洲巡演拉开了帷幕。13岁以专业第一成绩考入著名音乐学府柯蒂斯音乐学院(全额奖学金及生活费),成为第一个同时拥有这两位著名钢琴教授指导的学生(格拉夫曼Gary Graffman教授以及麦克唐纳 Robert McDonald教授) 。2015年9月,罗维签约美国纽约经纪公司Opus 3,两年后转入其经纪人创办的Kanzen经纪公司。17岁签约环球唱片公司,2018年7月于纽约录制了第一张个人专辑,2019年8月30日全球线上线下发行。
2020年疫情期间回国,于6月在深圳音乐了厅举办线上音乐分享会,7月受余隆总监邀请在广州交响乐团闭幕音乐会—星海音乐厅与余隆总监演出拉赫玛尼诺夫第二钢琴协奏曲。10月先后在深圳,中山,厦门举办独奏音乐会,并与贵阳交响乐团张国勇总监合作,与深圳交响乐团和指挥杨洋合作。1月在青岛交响乐团闭幕音乐会上与张国勇总监演奏黄河钢琴协奏曲,并与上海交响乐团在“贝多芬钢琴协奏曲全集音乐会系列”中,与张洁敏指挥合作了贝多芬第四钢琴协奏曲,并在腾讯艺术频道播出。3月,为了迎接一年一度的世界睡眠日,来自环球音乐集团旗下的20位国际顶尖音乐家制作了18首音乐,罗维录制了“格莱美奖获得者” Christopher Tin的《夜曲》,已在全球各平台发行。
疫情前,罗维的音乐会足迹遍及欧洲和美洲。她与圣地亚哥交响乐团著名华人总监Jahja Ling先生(林望杰)合作《普罗科菲耶夫第三钢琴协奏曲》,与明尼苏达交响乐团合作《拉赫玛尼诺夫第三钢琴协奏曲》、与印第安纳交响乐团合作《拉赫玛尼诺夫第二钢琴协奏曲》,与纽约州立交响乐团"格莱美"获奖指挥David Alan Miller合作,与堪萨斯交响乐团美国著名指挥Michael Stern合作,与丹佛爱乐乐团、丹佛青年交响乐团、密西根交响乐团、中国昆明爱乐乐团等交响乐团合作。
她的琴声还遍及纽约林肯艺术中心David Geffen音乐厅,旧金山Herbst音乐厅,纽约斯坦威音乐厅、瑞士琉森国际音乐节,纳帕溪谷国际音乐节Festival Napa Valley、美国圣菲国际室内乐音乐节、普林斯顿国际音乐节、纽约国际钢琴艺术节、吉莫尔国际钢琴艺术节等等。罗维的音乐会被各大电台全球直播及转播:纽约WXQR古典音乐频道,费城WHYY电视台,密西根电视台,新泽西州立WWFM频道等。
罗维已经为斯坦威Spirio钢琴系列录制多首钢琴作品。在在现代音乐领域,她与当代音乐人有诸多联系,如美国当代著名作曲家Marc Neikrug为她创作钢琴组曲《Poems》,并由她本人在2019年7月于圣菲音乐节首演。
除了与乐队合作外,她还是室内乐演奏家。她与诸多前辈合作,包括英国小提琴家丹尼尔.霍普Daniel Hope、法国大提琴家加里.霍夫曼Gary Hoffman、纽约林肯艺术中心四重奏Escher Quartet等等。她也和小提琴家约夏·贝尔Joshua Bell、大提琴家斯蒂芬·伊瑟利斯Steven Isserlis在纽约林肯中心同台演出。